Tramways sur la rue Saint-Jacques à Montréal, 1910
Archives de la Société de transport de Montréal, ht2_1910_3-910-001.
Groupe d’ouvriers de la Parker Mill à Warren, Rhode Island, 10 juin 1909
Lewis Wickes Hine. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, ncl2004001669.

La descente des rapides vers 1879
Frances Anne Hopkins. Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, C-2774.
 Commerçants métis, vers 1872-1875
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, C-004164.
Vue de la baie de Gaspé dans le golfe du Saint-Laurent (Québec)
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, no d'acc 1997-2-3.
Chart Of The Lower Mississippi River. Norman, B.M. ; Persac, A. ; Colton, J.H. 1858
Marie Adrien Persac. Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division, G4042.M5G46 1858.P4.
L’ouest canadien, affiche distribuée par le gouvernement pour attirer les francophones
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, e010771930.
Famille de Louis Labrosse (Canadiens Français) vers 1910
Forseen. Minnesota Historical Society, GT3.1 p169
La rivière du Détroit depuis le lac Sainte Claire jusqu'au lac Erié, 1764
Charles-Nicholas Bellin. Archives de l’Ontario, C 78, AO 6699.
Camp Saint François, 1842
Fonds Millicent Mary Chaplin, Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, C-000919.
La rue principale à Gravelbourg, vue vers le sud, Saskatchewan, 1909
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (Québec), 1960-01-600/1035, chemise 28-15.
Famille Turcotte, première famille arrivée à Amos, 1911
Société d’histoire d’Amos, Fonds Pierre Trudelle, P028/P032.
La rue principale à Gravelbourg, vue vers le sud, Saskatchewan, 1909
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (Québec), 1960-01-600/1035, chemise 28-15.
Lobster factory, Amberst, Magdalen Island, P.Q.
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, PA-034034.
Saint-Paul – La Société Saint-Jean Baptiste Saint-Paul, 29 août 1915
Archives provinciales de l’Alberta, collection Oblate, OB8200.
Sortie des travailleurs, Amoskeag Mfg. Co., Manchester, New Hampshire, 21 mai 1909 à 18h00
Lewis Wickes Hine. Library of Congress, LC-DIG-nclc-01810.

en Amérique du Nord

Introduction to the project

French-Canadian Peopling of North America (1760-1914) is a research project involving a partnership between academic, museum and heritage communities. Funded by the SSHRC (Partnership Development Grants), it aims to study, from a continental perspective, the patterns of the French-Canadian settlement of North America. This research will shed new light on the genesis and evolution of Francophone communities in America, exploring how the characteristics of French-Canadian migrants have influenced processes of community establishment, social development and collective identity.

At the heart of the research program is an examination of the relationships linking Quebec with three geographical areas which serve as a sample of the main sites of French-Canadian settlement. The research focus is on Manitoba, representing Canada west of Quebec, Minnesota and North Dakota for the American Midwest, and New Hampshire for the Northeastern United States.

Funded by the SSHRC, the research is based on collaborative work by a team of over fifteen researchers assembled from Canadian and American universities, a museum, and heritage and genealogical organisations. The pooling of several major databases and many different archival resources, and their coordinated exploitation, make this a large scale project; linking the contributions of institutional and community partners give the findings national and international reach and relevance, as well as having a mobilising impact on North American Francophone communities themselves.